Rachael Dallas » Mrs. Rachael Dallas

Mrs. Rachael Dallas

  My name is Mrs. Rachael Dallas. My kiddos, students, call me Mrs. Rachael. I have a bachelor's degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from WGU. I have been working at KSES since 2016, and I also attended school here when I was a kid. It truly is like home!
During my time at KSES, I have spent three years in 2nd grade. Two of those years were focused primarily on RLA/SS while the latter was on all subjects. I recently made the switch to RLA/ SS in 3rd grade and love it! Reading and writing are my passion, and I love seeing the students grow and pushing them to the next level.
    Now a little about me personally! I live in Lyles, TN with my husband, son, dog, and cat. Both my husband and I, are originally from the Kingston Springs/Pegram area, and we both love we can continue to be apart of this community through the school system. As parents, we are thrilled our son is growing up in such an amazing community and wonderful school system as we did. 
   If you need more information, please feel free to reach out. I am committed to having open communication with all parents and students at KSES, and I am always happy to help in any way I can.
Mrs. Rachael Dallas
3rd grade RLA/SS